Slow Morning Practices for Presence & Empowerment

Slow Morning Practices for Presence & Empowerment

Slow Morning Practices for Presence & Empowerment

Elevating the Everyday: Slow Mornings

I’ve heard it said that if you wake up and immediately look at your screens, whether it’s checking your emails and texts, or turning on the news, you’re programming yourself to be in reactionary mode at the top of your day instead of giving yourself an opportunity to have dominion over your day. That’s all I needed to hear!  Rituals punctuate our days, and slow living transforms these rituals into meaningful anchors.  These slow morning practices honor my commitment to a slow living lifestyle and help start my days with a sense of presence, mindfulness and empowerment, setting the tone for a more grounded and fulfilling day ahead.  I don’t do everything everyday, instead I pick and choose depending upon the energy of the day, my task list, and the way I’m feeling.

Embracing the Power of Slow Mornings

In a world that glorifies busyness, slowing down and starting your day intentionally can have profound effects on your overall well-being. Embracing slow morning practices allows you to connect with yourself on a deeper level, cultivate mindfulness, and set a positive tone for the rest of the day.  I don’t look at any screens until 9 AM. Whether it’s meditation, journaling or some combination of both, it’s mandatory that I’m present with myself in the morning before I get into my day.  Here’s a peek into various aspects of my morning routine.

Creating a Tranquil Morning Environment

Cultivating a Calm Space

We all know that our physical surroundings play a significant role in shaping your mindset and mood. I am constantly creating a tranquil space by decluttering, organizing, and decorating in a way that resonates with my own sense of peace.  I love music, and so I often start the day by playing something jazzy that makes me feel good!

Mindful Lighting and Aromatherapy

Soft, natural lighting and invigorating scents like bergamot-basil can help create a serene yet refreshing ambiance.  With music playing in the background, I light my favorite Tsehai Bowl and sometimes even an incense, and set an intention for my day.  I use these practices to engage my senses and provide stimulation and promote grounded and empowered energy.

Incorporating Natural Elements

Bringing nature indoors can have a soothing effect on your senses. Consider adding plants, flowers, or natural elements like stones and shells to your space.  I’ve burned through so many candles that I’ve been able to repurpose their vessels as planters for my favorite flowers.

Mindful Movement: Yoga and Stretching

Awakening Your Body and Mind

Engage in gentle yoga or stretching to awaken your body from slumber. Focus on each movement, connecting with your breath and allowing energy to flow freely.

Connecting with Your Breath

Conscious breathing during your practice helps you stay present and centered. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs, and exhale slowly, releasing tension.

Cultivating Flexibility and Strength

Regular practice improves flexibility and strength, fostering a sense of empowerment in your physical body.

Nourishing Your Body: Mindful Breakfast

Choosing Nutrient-Rich Foods

Fuel your body with a nourishing breakfast rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Opt for whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins to sustain your energy throughout the morning.

Mindful Eating Practices

Eat slowly and savor each bite. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations, fostering a mindful relationship with food.

Gratitude for Nourishment

Before eating, take a moment to express gratitude for the nourishment your meal provides. This simple practice can shift your perspective and enhance your eating experience.

Journaling for Clarity and Reflection

Morning Pages: An Unfiltered Mind Dump

Allocate time to write morning pages, letting your thoughts flow without judgment. This stream-of-consciousness writing can bring clarity to your mind and uncover hidden insights.

Setting Daily Intentions

Write down your intentions for the day, focusing on what you want to achieve and how you want to feel. This practice sets a positive direction for your day.

Expressing Gratitude

List things you’re grateful for in your journal. Practicing gratitude cultivates a positive outlook and invites more positivity into your life.

Embracing Silence and Meditation

Finding Stillness Within

Spend time in silent meditation to quiet your mind and cultivate inner stillness. Focus on your breath or a simple mantra to anchor your awareness.

Guided Meditation for Empowerment

Use guided meditations that emphasize empowerment and self-confidence. Visualize your goals and aspirations coming to fruition.

Cultivating Inner Peace

Meditation fosters a sense of peace that can extend beyond your morning practice, helping you navigate daily challenges with grace and calmness.

Creative Expression: Art and Writing

Tapping into Your Creative Flow

Engage in a creative activity that brings you joy, such as painting, drawing, or writing. This taps into your creative flow and enhances self-expression.

Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery

Use journaling prompts to explore your thoughts, emotions, and desires. This introspective practice promotes self-discovery and personal growth.

Creating with Abandon

Let go of perfectionism and create with a sense of abandon. Embrace the process rather than focusing solely on the outcome.

Connecting with Nature: Outdoor Rituals

Grounding Barefoot Practices

Step outside and connect with the earth by walking barefoot. This grounding practice allows you to absorb the Earth’s energy and reconnect with the present moment.

Communing with the Elements

Engage with nature’s elements, such as feeling the breeze, observing the sunlight, or listening to the sounds of birds. This sensory experience promotes mindfulness.

Absorbing Nature’s Wisdom

Nature holds valuable lessons about impermanence and cycles. Reflect on the wisdom of the natural world and apply it to your own life.

Digital Detox: Unplugging for Mindfulness

Setting Boundaries with Technology

Allocate specific times for checking emails and social media. Create boundaries to prevent technology from hijacking your morning routine.

Cultivating Presence without Distractions

Unplugging allows you to fully engage with your morning practices without distractions. Be present in each moment, whether it’s meditation, journaling, or movement.

Creating Sacred Screen-Free Time

Use your morning routine as a sacred time to connect with yourself. Avoid the temptation to start your day with digital noise.

Cultivating Gratitude and Affirmations

Morning Affirmations for Empowerment

Start your day with empowering affirmations. Speak positive statements aloud to boost your self-esteem and set a confident tone for the day.

Recognizing Abundance in Life

Shift your focus from lack to abundance. Acknowledge the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem.

Spreading Positivity and Love

Radiate positivity by embodying love and compassion. Your morning practices can influence your interactions and contribute to a more harmonious world.

Mindful Time Management: Setting Priorities

Creating a Realistic To-Do List

Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Avoid overwhelming yourself with an unrealistic to-do list.

Focusing on Meaningful Tasks

Direct your energy toward tasks that align with your goals and values. Let go of busywork that doesn’t contribute to your overall well-being.

Avoiding Overwhelm

Break tasks into manageable chunks to prevent overwhelm. Focus on one task at a time, giving it your full attention.

Connecting with Your Inner Self

Self-Compassion and Self-Love

Treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Embrace your flaws and imperfections, knowing that they contribute to your uniqueness.

Embracing Your Authenticity

Connect with your inner truth and authenticity. Let go of societal expectations and embrace who you truly are.

Building a Strong Foundation

Morning practices lay the foundation for a fulfilling day. By connecting with yourself, you create a strong base from which you can navigate challenges.

Elevating Your Morning Routine

Gradual Implementation of Practices

Incorporate new practices gradually to avoid overwhelm. Start with one or two that resonate with you, and expand your routine over time.

Adjusting Based on Your Needs

Your morning routine is as personal as your desires/wants/dreams/journey. Listen to your intuition and adjust practices based on your evolving needs and preferences.

Inviting Joy and Serenity

Infuse joy and serenity into your morning routine. Choose practices that genuinely bring you happiness and contribute to your overall well-being.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Slow Mornings

In a world that often rushes through life, embracing slow morning practices offers a transformative way to connect with yourself, foster mindfulness, and cultivate empowerment. By dedicating time to rituals that ground you in the present moment, you set the stage for a day filled with intention, positivity, and a deeper sense of self.

Celebrate Ethiopian New Year Enkutatash

Celebrate Ethiopian New Year Enkutatash

Celebrate Ethiopian New Year Enkutatash

The Ethiopian New Year, known as “Enkutatash” in the Amharic language, is a vibrant and culturally significant celebration in Ethiopia. This annual event holds deep historical and religious roots, marking the beginning of a new year according to the ancient Ethiopian calendar. With its unique customs, traditions, and joyful spirit, Enkutatash is a time of renewal, gratitude, and unity for Ethiopians across the country.



As the sun sets on the old year and rises on a new beginning, we are especially honored to invite you to join us in celebrating Enkutatash, the Ethiopian New Year. Enkutatash, which translates to “Gift of Jewels,” traditionally marks a joyous occasion filled with colorful rituals, heartfelt festivities, and a spirit of renewal. As some of you may know, Ethiopia has been under attack from so many directions the last few years, that we do not take another year for granted. While so many have lost their lives and homes, many are still suffering the loss of loved ones and the loss of a country just recently so full of hope.  The arrival of Enkutatash couldn’t have come at a better time…  Not only a celebration of the New Year, but also an homage to Ethiopia’s rich cultural heritage. This article delves into the origins, celebrations, and significance of Enkutatash, shedding light on the beauty of this unique festivity.

The Origins of Enkutatash

Enkutatash, meaning “Gift of Jewels,” traces its roots back to the 4th century BC. According to Ethiopian tradition, the date of Enkutatash marks the return of the Queen of Sheba to Ethiopia after visiting King Solomon in Jerusalem. As she arrived with gifts of jewels, the people welcomed her with yellow flowers, giving birth to the tradition of exchanging flowers during Enkutatash.

The Enkutatash Celebration

On September 11th (or 12th in a leap year), Ethiopians don vibrant new clothes and gather with loved ones to celebrate Enkutatash. The day begins with a colorful and joyful procession, where people young and old take to the streets, singing, dancing, and distributing flowers. The atmosphere is electric, as the streets come alive with the sounds of laughter and traditional music.

Traditions and Customs

4.1 The “Damera” Bonfire

One of the iconic symbols of Enkutatash is the lighting of a large bonfire known as “Damera.” This bonfire represents the hope for a bright future and serves as a communal gathering point. Families and friends come together to share stories, roast maize, and leap over the flames, symbolizing the casting away of past mistakes.

4.2 New Year’s Feasts and Delicacies

Enkutatash is synonymous with feasting. Families prepare elaborate meals featuring traditional dishes such as “Doro Wat” (spicy chicken stew) and “Injera” (spongy flatbread). Sharing these meals reinforces the spirit of unity and togetherness.

4.3 Giving and Receiving Gifts

Gift-giving is a central aspect of Enkutatash. Friends and family exchange thoughtful presents, often including small trinkets and money. This tradition fosters a sense of generosity and gratitude.

4.4 Dancing and Singing

Enkutatash celebrations are incomplete without traditional dances and songs. The “Eskista” dance, characterized by intricate shoulder movements, and the melodious sounds of the “Masinko” (a traditional stringed instrument) create an atmosphere of pure joy.

Enkutatash Across Generations

Enkutatash is a time when generations come together, bridging the gap between the past and the present. Elders share stories of their own Enkutatash experiences, passing down the cultural legacy to the youth.

Enkutatash Around the Country

6.1 Addis Ababa Celebrations

In the capital city of Addis Ababa, Enkutatash is celebrated with grand parades, concerts, and exhibitions showcasing Ethiopian art and culture. The celebrations draw locals and tourists alike.

6.2 Traditions in Lalibela

Lalibela, known for its rock-hewn churches, hosts a unique Enkutatash celebration. Pilgrims gather to receive blessings and engage in spiritual ceremonies amidst the stunning ancient architecture.

6.3 Enkutatash in Gondar

Gondar’s Enkutatash festivities are marked by horse racing, a tradition that dates back to the time of Emperor Fasilides. The city’s streets become racetracks as locals and visitors cheer on the skilled riders.

The Significance of Enkutatash

Beyond its cultural richness, Enkutatash holds profound spiritual significance. It’s a time to reflect on the past year, express gratitude for blessings received, and look forward to a new beginning with optimism and hope.

Preserving Tradition in the Modern Age

In an ever-changing world, Ethiopians are dedicated to preserving the authenticity of Enkutatash. Efforts are made to ensure that traditional practices are passed down to younger generations, safeguarding the essence of this celebration.


Enkutatash, the Ethiopian New Year, is a tapestry woven with history, culture, and community. At a time when the Ethiopian highlands are adorned with bright yellow daisies known as “Adey Abeba.” These cheerful blooms symbolize the renewal of life and the promise of prosperity.  My prayer is that this new year is indeed full of renewal, blessings and ongoing reasons to celebrate. Being that this is a time when families come together, friends reunite, and communities share in the spirit of togetherness in Ethiopia, we at ADDIS VIV want to amplify the “spirit of togetherness” here in the Diaspora in honor of a hopeful and determined Ethiopia. Truth and Love will prevail.


FAQs About Enkutatash

  1. What is the significance of exchanging flowers during Enkutatash? Exchanging flowers during Enkutatash is a tribute to the flowers that heralded the return of the Queen of Sheba. It symbolizes new beginnings and the blossoming of hope.
  2. Why is the “Damera” bonfire central to the celebrations? The “Damera” bonfire signifies the casting away of past mistakes and the anticipation of a brighter future. It’s a communal gathering point for sharing stories and festivities.
  3. What role do traditional dances play in Enkutatash celebrations? Traditional dances like “Eskista” enhance the joyful atmosphere of Enkutatash. They connect people through shared cultural expressions and vibrant movements.
  4. How is Enkutatash celebrated in different regions of Ethiopia? Enkutatash celebrations vary across Ethiopia. In Addis Ababa, there are parades and exhibitions

Saying Yes To Sacred Living

Saying Yes To Sacred Living

Saying Yes To Sacred Living

Can you believe it’s been five years since my last update on all things home, real estate, and LA treasures?

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve lived 10 lives in the past five years.  I’ve been thinking about you and genuinely want to reconnect to hear what has transpired in your life and share what I’ve been up to, during some of the most life-altering years we have encountered.

During the pandemic, a long-ignored internal voice led me to create products that would help turn homes and work environments into sacred spaces. I often noticed myself saying (in my head and to anyone who would listen), “Nothing is sacred anymore”. So instead of complaining, I made a decision to begin creating. While I still enjoyed identifying and assisting in the purchase of properties, I felt incredibly moved to begin promoting slow, sacred living. This high-speed, fast paced world was robbing us of the slower and sweeter things in life. 

In 2021 I launched my company Addis VIV, by introducing my first creation: the Tsehai Bowl. A magical, 17-wick candle that radiates light like the sun. My intention was to create an inspiring, living piece of art that can serve many purposes. We’re often told that this glowing vessel captures you at first blush—and can easily serve as a meditative object with a delectable scent that envelops every space. Mission accomplished!

I initially created this candle for myself in January 2020, and if it wasn’t for the Tsehai bowl, I think my experience during the pandemic would not have been as peaceful and healing.  I wanted to share this candle and the scents I created with everyone because of the healing I was experiencing in such a dark time… I also thought it would be a beautiful way to be connected to everyone at a time when many feel isolated. Knowing that something I created was in your home, inspiring you and bringing you joy or calm, brought me tremolos. 

For us, the Tsehai Bowl is a cornerstone in our intention practice: we light the Tsehai and take a moment to set an intention prior to the first burn. Thereafter, whenever you light your candle, you reactivate your intention energetically, without a second thought. So, this is what I’ve been up too! Growing this company, and doing our part in slowing life down so we can focus on our well being instead of the rat race. 

Addis VIV is the physical embodiment of a movement concerned with highlighting and promoting the beauty of a sacred, slow-living lifestyle.  These days, the world and everything in it moves way too fast and our participation without confrontation is our silent agreement to abide by this energy, consciously or otherwise.  I long for slower days, checking answering machines, sending letters, lighting candles and getting lost in the flame instead of our phone or laptop screen…ADDIS VIV is my vehement objection to be ruled by all things quick, fast and hurried. 

Celebrating Ethiopia’s Ceremonies and Rituals in Home Decor

Celebrating Ethiopia’s Ceremonies and Rituals in Home Decor

Celebrating Ethiopia’s Ceremonies and Rituals in Home Decor

Ethiopian rituals & Ceremonies

I may be bit biased but.. I think Ethiopia is a land of amazing cultural traditions primarily because it has such a long history stretching back thousands of years. As a customer of Addis VIV you know that we focus on sacred living over here…. so it would make sense if you were curious about the most important ceremonies and rituals in Ethiopia. Well lucky for you my fellow home décor enthusiasts, I’m about to give you the lowdown 🙂 

First up is Timkat. One of my absolute favorite religious festivals filled with ritual and ceremony. Timkat lands on January 19th and it’s a day to celebrate the baptism of Jesus Christ. You’ll witness some of the most colorful processions, music, dancing, and feasting that you can imagine. If you’re a fan of parades and festivals, this one is definitely worth a visit. It features priests and worshippers carrying replicas of the Ark of the Covenant, which is so magical to witness in person. Even if you are not a religious person.. you will definitely enjoy the excitement and mystical vibes…

Next on the list is Meskel, a holiday marked on September 27th that celebrates the finding of the True Cross by the Empress Helena in the fourth century. Think bonfires, processions, and joyous vibes…. If you’re feeling like you need a little spark in your life, this is the holiday for you! It’s like a sacred party if you will. Lot’s of singing and dancing. Bonus points if you like to dance around a fire while the world burns (don’t worry, it’s a controlled fire).

Then there is Enkutatash, also known as the Ethiopian New Year, which falls on September 11th. I know I know… we have a completely different calendar than most… I’ll do a blog on our calendar and the fact that it is 2015 in Ethiopia soon…  But back to Enkutatash…It’s a time for new beginnings, renewal, and feasting. This one is a no-brainer for those of us who love starting fresh and embracing new opportunities. Plus, you’ll get to try my favorite dish, doro wat, a spicy chicken stew, and injera, a delicious flatbread that’s eaten with almost every meal in Ethiopia.

Lastly, we have Fasika, or Ethiopian Easter, which is usually celebrated in April. It’s a time of great religious significance and is marked by a 55-day fast, (happening as we speak!) which is broken on Easter Sunday with a feast of traditional Ethiopian dishes. So…Light some candles and get ready to be amazed by the symbolism of resurrection and new beginnings.

Now, you might be wondering how you can incorporate these traditions into your home decor. Well, my friends, think vibrant colors, symbolism of renewal, and lighting elements. You can create beautiful displays that reflect the themes of each holiday. I’m picturing gorgeous candles (insert your favorite Addis VIV candle), colorful vases, and unique sculptures inspired by Timkat. Or perhaps some using our Ethiopian handmade textiles filled with rich colors and traces of gold , as a tapestry or formal table cloth for a special dinner…that will definetly evoke the spirit of Fasika.

Ethiopia’s ceremonies and rituals are such a big part of who I am and the inspiration behind creating a line that is dedicated to sacred, slow, intentional living.  As children we were indoctrinated into the world of rituals but for us it was more like fun festivals we looked forward to where you connect with other children, are fed by strangers and dance in our version of a mosh pit with others. As adults the sacred value of these historic ceremonies and traditions become crystalized in our hearts and souls forever. This is why incorporating the essence of these ceremonies into our products is so important to me.  Because I envision a larger world of people slowing down and enjoying one another through ceremony, celebration and peaceful union.  So, next time you’re looking for some home décor inspiration or choosing which Addis VIV candle is right for you,  think about these traditions and which one you identify with more…incorporate them into your sacred living space,  become intoxicated by scent and dance! 

Aromas of Love: Exploring the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

Aromas of Love: Exploring the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

Aromas of Love: Exploring the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony

Buna Ceremonies in Ethiopia

Coffee has been a symbol of love, hospitality, and togetherness in Ethiopia for centuries. In fact, the country is considered the birthplace of coffee, and the Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a beautiful tradition that celebrates this precious beverage.

Imagine yourself on a trip to Ethiopia either staying at one of the many beau You hear the sounds of the rooster crowing and the cows mooing in the distance. The sun is rising, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. You walk towards a small hut made of mud and straw. As you approach, you hear the sound of a woman singing and laughing. This is the Ethiopian coffee ceremony.

The ceremony is usually conducted by a woman, known as the Bunna Tetu, who is highly respected in the community for her knowledge of coffee. She sits on a small stool, surrounded by her family and friends. In front of her, there is a small charcoal stove, and on top of the stove, there is a clay pot called a jebena.

The Bunna Tetu adds fresh coffee beans to the jebena and roasts them over the charcoal stove. The beans are roasted until they turn dark brown and release a rich aroma. As the beans roast, she fans the smoke towards the guests to allow them to fully experience the aroma of the coffee.

Once the beans are roasted, the Bunna Tetu grinds them into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. She then adds the ground coffee to the jebena, along with water. The jebena is placed back on the charcoal stove to boil.

As the coffee boils, the Bunna Tetu pours a small amount of coffee into tiny cups called cini. This first round of coffee is called awel, and it is considered the strongest and richest coffee of the ceremony. The guests sip the awel, savoring the intense flavors of the coffee.

After the awel, the Bunna Tetu pours two more rounds of coffee, known as tona and baraka. The tona is the second round, and it is slightly weaker than the awel. The baraka is the third and final round, and it is the weakest of the three.

The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is not just about the coffee; it is also about the experience of coming together as a community. It is a time for sharing stories, laughter, and love. The ceremony can last for hours, and guests are encouraged to stay as long as they like.

The ceremony is often accompanied by traditional Ethiopian music and dance. The guests clap their hands and stomp their feet to the rhythm of the music, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere.

As the sun sets and the ceremony comes to an end, the Bunna Tetu pours the remaining coffee onto the ground as a symbol of respect for the earth. The guests say their goodbyes, feeling nourished and energized by the coffee and the sense of community they experienced.

In Ethiopia, coffee is more than just a beverage; it is a cultural and social tradition that brings people together. The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a beautiful representation of this tradition, and it is a must-see for anyone visiting Ethiopia.

The ceremony is a feast for the senses. The aroma of the coffee, the sound of the music, the taste of the rich and complex flavors of the coffee, and the visual beauty of the ceremony itself all combine to create a truly unforgettable experience.

If you ever have the opportunity to attend an Ethiopian coffee ceremony, don’t hesitate. You will be welcomed with open arms, and you will leave feeling a deep sense of connection to the people, the culture, and the coffee that make Ethiopia such a special place.

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